Savik Discord
A major SavikCord update has been released
The application has been completely rewritten and updated to the latest version of Discord.js
SavikCord now has a full-fledged new RolePlay system!
All commands now work only via Flash Install Role Play on your Discord server. Command: /setroleplay (select the type of role-playing game: anime or real). After installation, you can try out the commands. support for the Ru, uk, eng commands.
Recently, we have noticed that our site may look outdated and not meet modern requirements. Therefore, we decided to update the design and functionality INZEWORLD.COM to make it more modern, convenient and attractive for our users.
We've redesigned the site to make it simpler and more intuitive. Now our website will look more bright and colorful. We have also improved the navigation on the site so that users can also easily find the information they need. Updating the website design INZEWORLD.COM - this is an important step in the development of our project.
New design and functionality coming soon..